
Artisanal Alchemy

The intuitive & fun way to become really f*cking good at selling.

Hello and Yes.


Artisanal Alchemy

The intuitive & fun way to become really f*cking good at selling.

Hello, yes please!

Ready To Make Marketing Make Sense?

Being really good at selling comes down to two things: 


1. Being aligned with the VALUE of the products you’re selling. 




2. Having the skills to communicate that value effectively to the right people.

When you’re aware of all the ways your product enriches the lives of the people who own it, you see opportunities to communicate that everywhere. 


Because that’s all that marketing really is– communicating the full and true value of your products.


At that point you can bumble around trying different things and it’s very likely you’ll get some sales even if your marketing skills suck. 


As you sharpen your skills and deepen your understanding of what’s working for you and why, you start to hit your sales goals.


First you hit you goal once.


Then again (!!!).


And again (☠️.)


Until you’re doing it every month. 


And this is how you become in control of your income. 

 This ^ is not  theory. 


It’s how I grew my artisanal business from the farmer’s market to 7-figures in less than 5 years. 


This is also how my clients have dramatically increased their sales. 


It’s straightforward. It’s practical. And the results are magical.


And it’s exactly what I teach in my program...

This course will help you…


  • Perceive ALL the opportunities that exist to create marketing GOLD in your life right now! 



  • Feel inspired, light, and super excited to make your marketing content! 



  • Dissolve the illusion of competition and instead see your business as thriving in a category of its own.



  • Trust yourself– specifically your excitement to guide you to build the most authentic and financially successful version of your business.


  • Feel solid charging high prices so that you can make in one sale what you used to make in an entire day of selling in person at a craft show.


  • Attract people to your business who are so obsessed with what you make that they pull over on the freeway to buy from you when your new products go live.


  • Override the voices of uncles with MBA’s, cousins with corporate marketing jobs, and other unaligned “experts” that have triggered your fear and made you feel like you don’t know what you're doing. 


  • Make great content quickly. Like in-less-than-5-minutes-while-you're-in-the-bathroom-pretending-to-poo-but-secretly-hiding-from-your-children quickly.


  • Sell with precision and confidence. Know exactly what you’re doing and why. Use your creativity to leverage your strengths and sell the ever living shit out of your work.


  • Hit the point where you’re like “Oh fuck, I actually have a business that makes money. EEEEEEEEEEEKKK!” 


  • Finally feel safe in your business because there is a consistent demand for your products, tons of new people coming into your audience every month, and repeat customers are requesting bigger and more expensive versions of your products all the time. 
Sign Me Up Right MEOW!

So... who am I and what qualifies me to help you become

really good at selling?

Great question!

My name is Elena & I’m a business coach specifically for artisans!

But I didn’t start my career as a coach– I used to have a skincare business. One that I proudly grew from the farmer’s market to a 7-figure online boutique!

By the time I left my business:

  • I had built an IG audience of over 32k and


  • My marketing content was consistently generating over $100k a month every month.


 Bro. I was surprised too. Especially since I wasn’t even on social media when I joined the business. Let me tell you some other things that might surprise you:

  • My previous work experience was in after school programming. As in I had exactly ZERO education or experience in marketing or business.
  • I’m not an “it girl”– I wasn’t popular in highschool, I don’t watch the kardashians, and I’ve never had a twitter account. 
  • I’m not tech-y. My airpods don’t always connect to my iphone, I don’t own an air fryer, and I can’t be bothered with hashtags. 



All the things you might think would make someone good at social media marketing, don’t apply to me. 


Which is v. dope, because it means you can show up being whatever little weirdo you are right now, with the skills (or lack of skills) you currently have and start to kick some fucking ass on Instagram!!


And by kick ass I don’t mean have killer engagement, because our engagement wasn’t particularly impressive either.


But you know what was?


Our sales.


And that’s all that matters now isn’t it.

Yes, I want in.

Just Ask My Clients:

"I just don't feel like I could have expanded to $30k and $40k at top months without Elena's guidance." 

I mean, those are big numbers and big energetic containers to hold. Without her help, I just don't know that I would have been expanded enough to believe that was possible for me.

- Charlotte Dupont, Honeydove Vintage

"Less than 2 weeks in and I've sold 5 pairs of earrings without even trying to sell." 

I took three years off of Instagram to develop my style and not be influenced by anyone, so when I joined Elena's course I was barely launching my business for the first time. I had never sold online before and not even sure if I was emotionally ready to part with my babies. But going through this process has felt so good, and knowing that my work is going to people who truly appreciate them is something I'm incredibly grateful for.

-Chelsea, Chealsealovelee

"My business exploded –my husband and I both work full time in the business now, and we even hire both of our mothers to help fill orders every week!"

 I told Elena that without everything I had learned from her the previous year, this success never would have been possible! I learned more practical knowledge about how to grow my business from Elena that I did in my Masters in Social Entrepreneurship."

- Jessica Troupe, Heritage Apothecary

"I went from selling $20 headbands to $150 purses!" 

Doing this work has helped me clarify the products I actually want to make. Before I began working with Elena I wasn't really sure. I was selling a variety of items, like pillows, headbands, and lots of masks. And I knew most of the people that were purchasing from me, they were buying to support me because they loved me, not because they loved my work. Now people buy my most expensive work because they love it and I love it! It feels so different.

-Meghan, Half Sky Designs




This digital experience includes: 


1. The Full 7-Module Artisanal Alchemy Core Curriculum.

(Video instruction, student examples, and worksheets as outlined below)


2. Bonus Course: Build Your Website In A Day


3. Bonus Course: Shoot Lux Product Photos With Your Phone!

Core Curriculum :

MODULE 1: The TRUE And FULL Value Of Your Business. 

Discover the 5 reasons your customers will be obsessed with your business and drop big dollars on your work. (The key to making selling intuitive!)

     2 videos & 1 worksheet


MODULE 2:  Define Your Brand’s Identity

So that your marketing content feels consistent and communicates a deeper meaning beyond the beauty & quality of your work.

   2 instructional videos, 2 example videos & 3 worksheets

MODULE 3: Activate Your Marketing Genius

by committing to live in integrity with the value of your business in 3 very specific ways. 

    4 instructional videos, an example video, & 3 worksheets

MODULE 4: Instant Business Makeover

Make all areas of your business a full-body electric YES!!

    2 instructional videos & 4 worksheets

MODULE 5: Create 30 Days of Marketing Content In A Slightly Caffeinated Afternoon

Generate more excitement, more engagement, and more sales by creating killer content in a fraction of the time. (The worksheets in this module include Monthly IG Content Prompts which former students have affectionately dubbed The Treasure Chest.)

    3 instructional videos & 4 worksheets

MODULE 6: Sell Baby, Sell!

I’ve broken down the formula that I created and used in my former business to consistently generate over $100k in monthly sales. This includes the structure I gave it, my intentions at every step, the psychology principles at play, the types of content that are effective in every phase, and how to make it work for you!

    2 instructional videos & 4 worksheets

MODULE 7: Audience Growth Strategies

Beginning, intermediate, and advanced ways to grow your audience on IG without paying for ads. Create synergistic collaborations, attract your best customers, and generate sales. Step-by-step instructions, mindset shifts, templates + rookie mistakes to avoid in order to maximize the impact of your efforts.

    8 instructional videos, 6 strategies & 16 worksheets/templates


 Build Your Website In A Day!

Follow my step-by-step instructions to build a gorgeous website that your customers can purchase your products from in one day!   

7 (short) videos w. examples & 1 workbook



Shoot Lux Product  Photos With Your Phone!

Learn to take photos of your products that are so gorgeous your customers print out and tape them to their vision boards. Entirely from your phone.  

7 instructional& 2 example videos 




Select the level of support you'd like below.


Get Started Now


3 Monthly Payments

  • Artisanal Alchemy Core Curriculum ($597)
  • Build Your Website In A Day FREE
  • Shoot Lux Product Photos From Your Phone - FREE
  • 4 x 1:1 Coaching Calls with Elena ($1800)
Get me started NOW!

Very Supported


Paid In Full

  • Artisanal Alchemy Core Curriculum ($597)
  • Build Your Website In A Day FREE
  • Shoot Lux Product Photos From Your Phone  FREE
  • 4 x 1:1 Coaching Calls with Elena ($1800)
Yes, add the coaching!

More Student Results:

"A week after finishing this course I relaunched a high end product that hadn't sold well in the past... and I completely sold out!" 

I know what Elena teaches works because after having so much success with that launch I went back to my old way of doing things just to see what would happen and I launched a new product and hardly any sold. I'm so grateful for everything that I learned from Elena, and it really works. Now I'm sure. Lol.

-Kiki, Cashmere Cactus

"I sold 13 pieces in my first store update!"  

I had essentially stopped making my work because I thought no one wanted it. Two years ago I put my heart and soul into releasing my work on Instagram. For months I made my best work and then I released it to my community, but no one bought. It was crushing. Recently I felt called to make more again and after implementing what I learned in this course I  sold out! And more importantly, I know EVEN MORE is possible for me now.

-Merry Ellen,


What It's Like To Work With Me:

"Elena's fucking smart."

She’s easy going. She’s insightful, which I think is different than smart. She listens closely and then surprises me with her great ideas that I never would have come to on my own.

She values efficiency and using your time well. And she’s generous. She's not coaching me for her. She’s coaching me for me. I don’t feel like there’s ever been any ego or guile. She’s on my team and makes me feel truly supported.

- Jill Harrell, Scabby Robot

"Elena's a hard taskmaster." 

But the time that we worked together was my most productive time I've had since I started my business.

After working with her, I can really effectively pinpoint my ideal client, talk to them, and I can sell to them without feeling pushy. I can speak their language, and I can charge what I know I am worth and what my products are worth.

I was drawn to Elena because she's so warm, and I knew that she had owned her own business before. She had already gone through a lot of the struggles that I was going through. She's so knowledgeable, fun, and she goes above and beyond in every single way. I really couldn't recommend her highly enough!


- Katrina Lear, Freckle + Hide

"I’m not exaggerating when I say that Elena was the deciding factor in whether my small business lived or not." 

Before I found her, I had quit my 9-to-5 to start an art print business, and I was in googled-information overload.

I had previously hired coaches charging 5x Elena’s rate, bought an even more expensive e-commerce package that highlighted dropshipping (which did not fit my artisanal business), and drowned in every strategy out there--all with no real method of ever measuring my results.

None of it created sales, inspired action, or peace of mind.

She showed me how offering the products that were truly exciting to the artist in me could be more profitable, and since releasing them my profit has tripled!

Because of our work together I can finally evaluate my growth and feel mentally completed each month. And that’s what made finding Elena such magical relief.


- Nicole Arata, Stroke of the Wild

"I tried and failed to start my artisan business several times. When I started Elena’s courses, I couldn’t believe the value." 

She thought of everything and included everything you need to get started. Like, I went to college – paid all that money – and didn't learn anything. These courses taught me so much and helped me really get my business off the ground. It is hard, but I am just so happy that I’m finally doing it. And that I’m doing it with confidence in myself, in my work, in what I’m putting out there.

-Melissa Perez, MPG Collections

This course is for you if...


➡️ You've gone down the rabbit hole on YouTube/Google trying to learn marketing tips & strategies but it's left you overwhelmed and frustrated. 


➡️ None of the marketing advice you hear feels like it's for you as an artisan. It feels forced, out of touch, and/or gross.


➡️ You've been checking out what other artisans are doing on their feed, but it's not working for you. Like at all. Like, you may as well be talking to yourself on Instagram. 


➡️ You worked really hard on your new website and when you finally released it... nothing happened. And now you’re like WTF.

In Artisanal Alchemy you're going to learn an entirely new, FUN & INTUITIVE way of selling your products!

So, if you’re ready to impress the hell out of your mailman, who will barely fit all of your packages in his silly little truck…


And to alchemize all the things you’re taking for granted as “boring” or “not good enough” in your business and start perceiving it as the GOLDmine it really is... 


And feel really fucking good about yourself as a business owner...


Get instant access to the Artisanal Alchemy content right now.


Gimme Gimme.

The Bigger Picture:

"After working with Elena, I think my business can be way bigger than I ever envisioned it." 


Before I started working with Elena, my company Cadena Collective was still in its developmental stages and everything felt overwhelming. 

 I was exhausted from staying up late and looking up answers to marketing questions on YouTube, but that was frustrating because a lot of times I didn't know exactly what I was looking for.

One of the key parts of the course is that it's a safe place and the right place to face the work you've been avoiding. It allowed me to show up with intentionality. It was hard work, and it required me to be vulnerable. But, in the end, I was able to say the things that were important to me. 

After working with Elena, I think my business can be way bigger than I ever envisioned it. Everything in the course had a purpose and pointed to making more sales. And we're doing really well!! It's become a snowball effect that when I do something, and it turns out really well – or even when it doesn't – there's someone who's always watching and new opportunities come our way." 

– Alejandra Aguirre, Cadena Collective

"Before I began working with Elena I felt overwhelmed. I felt like I'd faked my way into having a successful business and I actually had no idea what I was doing and had no words for anything that worked or how I was going to keep doing it."


Elena helped me to realize what it was that I was doing and gave me the tools and language to break it down and understand it.

Her advice and prompts helped me to keep moving forward with a clear plan and the faith in myself to trust the process and plan for the future.

-Alexis Joseph, A Case For Making 

"Elena helped me get a deeper understanding of my business, my customers, and how to connect with them. She was able to help me get past my fear of being salesy or inauthentic. "


Before working with Elena, I struggled with figuring out how to market myself and my work. I wanted to get more traffic to my website and get more folks to purchase my products.

I played around with Instagram and Mailchimp, but I felt in the dark and have met with little success. I felt frustrated and wanted to have a consistent message and a skillful way to deliver it. Working with Elena was amazing. 

She helped me get a deeper understanding of my business, my customers, and how to connect with them. She was able to help me get past my fear of being salesy or inauthentic. I learned how to connect with my deeper truth and my deeper desire, which is to share my creative work with others and to improve other's lives through my art. 

Her programs are able to hold space for that in a really powerful way that allows me to have a deeper awareness of my own gifts and show up from that perspective, rather than a perspective of just wanting to sell things. 

I definitely recommend working with Elena if you're looking to understand your place in the business world, and if you're curious how you can work with different tools and technologies to grow your business and grow personally as well. 

– Susanna Low Beer, Susanna's Art

OK, I'm in!