Make your artisanal business more profitable...

Much More.











Make your artisanal business more profitable.

Much More.







What if you could go from:

"I'm making money..." 


"I'm making PROFIT."

With a few powerful tweaks that take less time than a run to target?







...the workshop that’ll get you thinking like a profitable entrepreneur. 

(By doing the driest, least exciting work ever…FINANCIAL PLANNING!!)
LOL. Need That!

Here's what people are saying:

"After completing the Business Model Calculator and learning the various techniques in Artisanal Profits, so many lightbulbs went off!"

Before taking Artisanal Profits with Elena, I was struggling to understand why our profits always seemed so slim. I would frequently find myself overwhelmed and I wanted to discover ways to increase our profit without having to work harder or more hours. 

I finally feel like I have a clear understanding of my business and the practical steps I need to take to reach my business goals. 

Elena’s grounded approach is so refreshing and just makes sense. I feel much more inspired looking into the future and have already begun to implement plans to double our profits this year while spending even more time with my family than before. I wish I had done this work years ago!

- Rachel Finnely, Makha Jewelry

"Before I began working with Elena I felt overwhelmed. I felt like I'd faked my way into having a successful business and I actually had no idea what I was doing and had no words for anything that worked or how I was going to keep doing it."


The work we did together helped me to realize what it was that I was doing and gave me the tools and language to break it down and understand it.

Her advice and prompts helped me to keep moving forward with a clear plan and the faith in myself to trust the process and plan for the future.

-Alexis Joseph, A Case For Making 

"My business was a hobby business for so long, the numbers didn’t matter, except that I could afford my supplies. This program has helped me to see where to focus energy to achieve my financial goals.  It’s a it’s a great tool!

I especially love Elena’s Calculator.

It helped me to see gaps in my product line and inspired me to imagine a new product based on margins first - which is some thing I would never have considered as a starting point. I’m so surprised that a calculator inspired me to design a new bag ha ha.

Plugging all of my existing products into the calculator showed me what different angles for business expansion COULD look like.

Additionally, the calculator helped me to see taxes at the end of the year, a rough estimate. And more importantly it helped me to see how to actually make a profit by pointing out the margins on every single item I sell. Now I know what my target sales numbers should be in order to even bother having the business in the first place."

- Jill Harrell, Scabby Robot

Sign me upppp!

 So... What Exactly Is The Problem?

The problem is that artisanal businesses are expensive to operate. It’s not like a coaching business where the overhead is low and there are no material costs and you can basically fart your way to a profitable business as long as you are making sales.


In fact, it’s quite the opposite. 


In artisanal businesses your material costs are very high because you use quality materials that are ethically sourced. 


Your labor cost is high because you make it and life is expensive in the U.S. 


And then there are all these hidden costs to running your business that’ll eat up your profit if you’re not aware of them.


Not to mention taxes…


If you’re reading this, you’re probably either newish to your artisanal business and you want to be profitable ASAP, 




You’ve been at this a while and you're not sure why the money in your bank account isn’t growing even though you’re making good money in sales… 


Either way, you’ve realized that your business won’t magically make itself profitable over time, because time’s got NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!! 


The real problem, the actual thing that stops really intelligent people from clearing two hours in their schedule to do this work, is the fear that there might be something wrong-wrong with their business, what if it’s.... UN-FIX-ABLE!?


And the good news is that no business is unfixable. What makes it feel that way is not looking at the numbers.

Let's look at those numbers!!

What Can You Expect From

Artisanal Profits?

Ok so this workshop is actually two workshops...

In the first, you’ll learn how to crunch your numbers and see how profitable you business is based on the way you’re spending your time and money right now. This is also known as your business model and it  serves to help you determines the maximum amount of profit you would make if you were to sell everything you could possibly make in a month.

This is really important, because most artisans think that if they make more sales they'll make more money, but that's just not the case. 

And it becomes super obvious when you do this ^.

At this point, every artisan I've ever worked with realizes they're not satisfied with this maximum income, so the second part of Artisanal Profits is all about how to increase your profitability. In this second video you learn the 5 different ways to increase your profitability to over $20k a month –without cutting quality, ethical sourcing, or any material costs for that matter. 

 You’ll watch as I walk you step-by-step through one of my top client’s financial documents, and learn how we created her very profitable + enjoyable business model AND how to create one that’s perfect for you. 


Leave with a clear understanding of how your time, your creativity, and your products come together to create your profit!



 I’ll say things like:
“Pay attention to this detail here. It’s limiting your income. These are three ways you can change it. Choose one.”
“If you make the same products over and over do it this way, if your products are different every time do this instead…”
“God, aren’t you glad you only have to do this once.”
Fck Yes.


  • The most effective way to increase the profitability of your business NOW –without compromising sustainability, ethical sourcing, or quality.


  • What your true expenses are (how to go beyond the cost of your materials and labor –a.k.a. quickmath, so that you can actually get at the heart of your profitability.)


  • Step-by-step process for creating a personalized plan that centers your inspiration, joy and of course, YOUR PROFIT!




Get instant access!




Gimme Gimme.